Transcendental Meditation

by Ranjan Pandey


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Transcendental meditation is a unique and less form of meditation which arose to prominence in the 1950s in India, when it was first introduced by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.The main process of carrying out this mediation revolved around having a base of a mantra and then repeating this for 20 minutes twice a day. Transcendental meditation is normally instructed by certain teachers, trained at Maharishi Mahesh Yogi institutes. Although the evidence of the benefits of transcendental meditation remain inconclusive due to a lack of research in this area, it still has developed a wide and growing group of followers from all walks of life and ages. There are three main categories of meditation. These are focused attention, open monitoring or mindfulness, and automatic self-transcending. Transcendental meditation is part of the last category where it neither requires mental control nor an active thought process.